Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Special American Idol Edition

Since I really know nothing about music and have yet to buy a CD put out by an American Idol winner (or really any CD at all for quite some time), I must keep my opinions on the current AI contestants brief. So let me just say... Michael Johns.

I will add however that I was most rattled (disturbed, distressed) by Colton's choice to sing Suspicious Minds (with sappy smiles and all). Did he not see Chris Daughtry steal the show with that song a couple of years ago? Puhlease! If you don't remember Daughtry's performance, it's just a few clicks away on You Tube. I trust you can find your way.

Fortunately for me, the show wasn't a total let-down because it hasn't really ended here...

Yep... he is a child of many talents... and this is my life. Welcome to it.

Oh, and DH read my blog and was quick to help me with my faulty memory. He has requested that I share the time that, as young sweethearts, he managed to convince me that they used electric shock to get the dolphins and whales to jump out of the water on cue at Sea World. It wouldn't have been so bad if I hadn't shared this amazing news with an office full of co-workers over lunch the next day. This is by far one of DH's favorite stories. Me... not so much.


sophanne said...

Here's what I know- those DH's promise to NEVER LIE to us and then they pull that crap and laugh. There oughtta bealaw!

km said...

We really enjoy the auditions, and then last night was just so-so. It usually takes a few weeks now before it's good TV again.

Sarah said...

He has a future...
LOL at Dh convincing you of that- I would believe it too... and repeat it...

Anonymous said...

I'd vote for your little cutie in a heartbeat!! Points for costume alone!

(I heart Chris Daughtry)