Saturday, December 30, 2006

Now That's a Good Question

Tonight we were watching a couple of episodes from season 1 of the original Starsky & Hutch series that I got my hubby for Christmas. (He was a big fan... laughed louder than anyone else in the theater when we saw the movie re-make.) I don't remember watching it much myself... and I probably won't remember the ones we watched tonight because I was sitting next to my son of many questions and observations. While this does get a little tiring, he asks some pretty darn good questions... and believe me there are plenty to ask about in S&H starting with "What do they do?", "Where are their badges?", "Why are they running?" and "How can they be undercover when everyone knows what car they drive?" Good one, that last one. But my favorite question was the one he asked immediately prior to "How can their electronics (walkie-talkies) work in the rain?"

"Isn't that sweater (remember the sweater?) going to shrink in the rain? Won't it Mom? Doesn't water ruin yarn?" Ahhh, spoken like a true knitter's son. I was so proud! Especially proud since at that exact moment I myself was pondering not only the potential sweater damage but the discomfort of sitting in a torrential downpour in an ultra-thick wool sweater - that, incidentally, neither shrank nor stretched to behemoth proportions in the scenes that followed but instead actually dried in almost no time (another question).

As for knitting news, I finished Midwest Moonlight (can you hear my sigh of relief?) and have a new plan in the works for my Artyarns Handpainted Stripes. We'll see how it goes.

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