Tuesday, April 17, 2007

When Life Imitates Art...

Or, When It's Time to Throw in the Towel (or knitting as the case may be)

It was a front center diamond on Bonita... and it was off-center.

I imagine a sneaky little ssk here, a k2tog there, and a wee yo would've cleverly disguised the basically unnoticeable miscount. Heck, I could've even made the front the back. But no... I had to go for the proper fix.

Not too bad.

But it left this sort of awkward gappiness alongside the fixed diamond area. True, it would never have even caught one's eye once the sweater was done and blocked... but, really... could I just leave it. *Big Sigh* No.

Long story short... Lots of tangles, lots of gaps, 4AM!!

Up at 7:30 for the cable guy who was here all afternoon yesterday and supposed to be back at 8 (got here at 11:30)... back to work on tangles... refuse to frog... determination sets in...

Anyway, ultimately I can no longer avoid the inevitable (or, more accurately, I am unwilling to accept the in-hindsight-not-looking-so-bad results) and start to frog.

BTW... I have a theory about IQ tests. Gauging by the ones I've taken, I think that in reality they do a much better job of measuring one's patience and determination at solving a puzzle than one's actual intelligence. I say this based on several things including my own rather high score because clearly a person of even moderate intelligence would not spend the better part of 12 hours trying avoid doing what they knew they were going to ultimately have to do all along. Determination... tenacity... yes. Intelligence... you tell me.

I try to use a smaller size 3 needle as a sort of safety line as suggested in my new book When Bad Things Happen to Good Knitters, but with all the ssks, k2togs, and yos... well, I had a big snarled mess... more frogging...

Doorbell... animal control... our neighbors (yes, those neighbors) have filed a complaint. BTW - our other neighbors continue to assure us they have no problem. Animal control gal agreed it was big wooden fence time.

Tangles... knots... cable guy in and out... reading, math... more frogging...

Loud scream... "Tick!!"... son has a tick on his stomach (we live near the mountains so any hiking, biking or playing outside poses this risk but I've never actually seen one)...

Being good homeschooled students, brothers run for a magnifying glass and chase horrified victim around the house for a closer look... Being a blogger, I run for my camera... both of our requests are vehemently denied. DH comes home to the rescue... son takes a one hour shower and the rest of us start feeling itchy just because.

More tinking (stitch by tiny stitch)... cable guy finally (finally) gets new box to work properly and leaves... I finally get Bonita back in good form on needles (although about 4 inches shorter) and place it in hiding for a yet to be determined amount of time.

Crocodile Hunter sounds like some good science about now... but wait... the new box isn't working... we're only getting a few channels... one of which, oddly enough, is the Nascar network... Whew, sure would hate to live without that!?!

Okay... "A Fish Out of Water" and geography await. Still waiting for 10 yo to find his geography notebook... but there is hope... older son just found a bag of Hershey kisses that Grandpa left behind.


Angelika said...

Thank you for the KAL you started, or I would have never found your blog. It's very interesting, entertaining and oh so true (neighbor issues). Hope your Bonita turns out ok after all that hectic in one day. Btw I found a tick on me the other day too.

Natalie said...

At least there is a fix... For the knitting and the tick. The neighbors, well, unfortunately, there is no [legal] fix! Kill 'em with [fake] kindness?

Laura said...

I'm so sorry about your adventures with Bonita - but it looks worth the extra attention and work and you'll look great in it! Of course, it'll be worth about $1.4 million in labor-hours by then, so you just might be tempted to keep it wrapped in tissue paper...

I need to get back to work on my raglan so I can finish it someday...

Shar said...

Oh yea, time for the fence!!

amanda said...

Tammy, I just read about Kimberly's finished Bonita:

Hopefully this will keep you going!